dinsdag 21 oktober 2008

Bala en Duque

Bala en Duqe, beiden 10 jaar oud hadden reeds het geluk een petemoeder te hebben gevonden:
Hi my name is Bala, I am a larger dog, and I live in the booth No 12 of Refuge Padula with my friend Duke, I am a little rascal with the food and confectionery. Today I am lucky because some good people, I have a godmother, to take care of me, I feel a bit safer. Arrive at the shelter 10 years ago and I have always lived here, because nobody wanted to take me, although I am a good dog. Pass the days with my caregivers who love me a lot, and my friends dogs, play, run, so we spent well and if I get sick lead me to the vet. I have seen many dogs passing by the Refuge about Popes who have achieved and I am delighted for them. In staying Refuge a few older dogs that nobody wanted to adopt, we know well and spend the evening with Ana she cares for us and also plays us throws balls, we clean the booth, puts us water and food, even though sometimes this a bit sad because many abandoned dogs, and there are months that have trouble staying power has all. That is why I am writing this letter to my godmother, to thank him for helping me and look at the Refuge, all my friends have heard of games that I have a godmother and are very happy, but have a bit of envy. Thank you very much godmother property if one day I would meet with Grenada and spend some time playing and running with you, thank you for giving me a bit of faith and joy because they no longer had high hopes. A kiss too big for my Godmother, and you have a little time to write me and Ana I read your letter.

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