dinsdag 18 november 2008


Hi I'm Jesus, one of the few volunteers of the refuge of Granada.
I want to talk about the brief history of Orlando, came to the shelter two weeks ago... he was left abandoned on the roadside near the Refuge, with a broken leg, Ana resceud him and took him to the shelter. From the first day we realized Orlando was a special dog, went to seek refuge by the caresses of individuals and their companions, with his leg broken and the pain, all he wanted was to give love to everybody, introduced his head between our legs, it was incredible to see him get closer to all peers licking and caring for them, it was a really special dog.

When we took him to the vet he told us we had to operate quickly because he had pain and his leg would be lame. The day Nov. 13 morning began the operation, but his heart stopped beating and leaving.
So short was the story of Orlando, a special being who was with us very short, but he has left a great void in our hearts and in such a short time allocated so much love that we can never forget that.

I think that God simply has decided to take his side, had already suffered enough and the earth is not a mere be like, full of both love and that humans have not been able to see.

I am sure that when my time comes, there will be a friend waiting for openly moving his tail gate.


jesus jimenez gonzalez

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