woensdag 2 september 2009

Het verhaal van kleine Julio....

Lees het huiveringwekkende verhaal van kleine Julio.
Inmiddels is Julio in veiligheid en met tijd en veel liefde komt het weer goed.....

In Alora, as in so many other part of Andalucia, the cruelty to animals by humans has arrived to the extreme of degeneracy and horror.

There is a family of gypsies who are renowned for all types of hateful and degenerate activities.This family has two sons who rob, deal in drugs, and the worst of all, perform all types of cruelty to helpless animals – they douse them in petrol and set fire to them, they beat them with sticks leaving them paralysed, and as if this were not the worst they can do, they abuse the dogs sexually, also goats, horses and chickens……

These wicked people steal dogs from their owners houses to sell them on, or to make them fight each other, or to abuse them until they are dead. They also organise cock fights, and even the ones that win the fight are then beaten to death. One may ask who is the animal here?

The neighbours see all this, and have told me of it many times, but no one has gone to the police with a formal complaint, as these people are really dangerous.

Now comes the sad story which happened in Alora the 24 August 2009. A small white dog, which I had seen on various occasions in the vet clinic appeared near my house. After I found out that these people had stolen it from its home and I checked to see if it had a microchip, and it had a wound on it’s foot. I was told that it had been badly abused and forced to fight other dogs, and then I was told it came from this awful family, and that they were going to come to my house to get it back. For that reason, I called Fabienne, and told her about it, and of course, she came, as always, no further questions, took the little dog away to safety in her house , so that when they came looking for him he was not there in my house.

Why do people like that think and act this way?? There are times I would like to pay them back with their own “money” since the law and people have no real conscience for the ill treatment of animals….They all know, but they all keep their mouths shut…….it is a public secret that they abuse sexual those poor animals, they stop feeding them use them and let them die....

Kleine Julio is nu bij ons, is erg vlug bang en krimpt in elkaar als je hem oppakt, angst moet een weg naar vertrouwen maken, stilaan zullen we hem weer een normaal gelukkig hondje maken,.... hij komt al naar ons en legt zijn kleine lieve snoet in mijn handen, plast vaak van angst maar zeker weten dat het goed komt, kleine man,... wij zijn hier allen rondom jou, om je gelukkig te maken....

JULIO IS GERED !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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